myself @IC2S2, thanks to Aalto Univ. & S. Kayacan
chiara polettoResearcher (Chargé de Recherche)
iPLESP INSERM & Sorbonne Université network epidemiology, network physics, disease ecology, outbreak analysis |
news & highlights
3 Jun, 2019: "Host contact dynamics shapes richness and dominance of pathogen strains" is out on PLOS Comp Biol. We studied the ecology of an open population of SIS strains spreading on a temporal network, and we discussed the implications of these results for the spread of S. aureus in hospitals.
jan 1, 2019: The project CompFlu has been funded by the program Emergence de la Ville de Paris. For the next four years I will study influenza spread and evolution in France through a computational intensive model based on genetic and incidence data. I will tackle the complex interplay between virus genetic variability, immunity and population structure. Look at the INSERM press coverage here.
24 Aug, 2018: Mapping the similarity among seasonal epidemics in France. Our analysis of 30 influenza season is out in Scientific Reports
Jun 4, 2018: We used past epidemic data to improve predictions about zika outbreaks. Our last work published on PLOS Negl Trop Dis
Feb 6, 2018: merging the gap between continuous and discrete time description of spreading processes on temporal networks. Paper published on Phy Rev Let
I am co-organising Databeers Paris, a series of scientific dissemination events combining my favorites: beer and data! Follow @DatabeersParis and sign-up at out newsletter
I am among the editor of PLOS Complexity Channel, that collects open and interdisciplinary resources on complexity
some media coverage of our work
La Recherche - Limiter les vols aériens ralentit peu la propagation d'une épidémie epidemic threshold on temporal networks: Pacific standard - Fighting epidemic with math ebola outbreak: Bloomberg Businessweek - Ebola travel bans buy only time, not safety. INSERM press - Ebola: les restrictions de transport n’empêchent pas la diffusion du virus (in french). Corriere Comunicazioni - L'Ebola? Si sconfigge (anche) con i big data (in italian). Tuttoscienze (La Stampa) - "Frontiere chiuse contro Ebola” Il Big Data svela che è un’errore (in Italian). |